516Ads.com - Teaming w/ Tai, Panera, Ciao' Baby, Recap, November Dates, Biz EXPO, LIASB, The Woodlands, Success Hub, Shoes for All, Fight for Charity, Help Wanted, Quick Hits, Quote...

516Ads.com - Teaming w/ Tai, Panera, Ciao' Baby, Recap, November Dates, Biz EXPO, The Woodlands, Hair We Share, Success Hub, Shoes for All, Fight for Charity, Help Wanted, Quick Hits, Quote...

Hello everyone!!! LOTS of events, LOTS of info, LOTS of opportunities to make  things happen!!! We'll be  Teaming w/ Tai @ The Grill, hope to see you at Panera Suffolk, November Dates, Recap Biz EXPO, The Woodlands, Hair We Share Shoes for AllSuccess Hub, Fight for Charity, Help Wanted & LOTS more!!! Thanks to our sponsors for making it possible! Let's get to it...

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Teaming with Tai's Club @ The Grill!!!
Monday October 24, 2016 6PM

@ The Grill -  160 Adams Ave, Hauppauge, NY 11788

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to team up with Tai Vicari's - Tai's Club and event sponsors  Mike Aharoni - Magnificent Homes, Scott Cohen - One Source Supply, Tobi R Innerfield - Quality Shredding Linda Springer - PRIMERICA  for a BIG TIME night of smart business activity @ The Grill!!! Always a great night of networking, hope to see you there!!!



Panera/ Suffolk 
Business Breakfast

Thursday October 27, 2016  8AM - 10AM

Panera Bread - 1025 West Montauk Highway, West Babylon NY

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to team up with The Babylon Town Chamber of Commerce for a top quality morning of smart business. Make connections, promote your services, better your business!!! No fee - just pay for breakfast! Hope to see you there!!!


516Ads & 631Ads
November 2016 Dates!!!

November 7, 2016 8AM @ Panera/ Nassau
November 7, 2016 6PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa
November 9, 2016 6PM - Success Hub/ Get Your Tickets
November 9, 2016 6PM - Shoes for All Fundraiser/ Get Your Tickets
November 10, 2016 12PM @ Paradise Diner
November 14, 2016 6PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Commack
November 18, 2016 12PM @ Ramada Plaza/ Holtsville
November 22, 2016 8AM - Thanksgiving Breakfast
November 22, 2016 12PM - Nautilus Business Luncheon
November 28, 2016 6PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa

Thanks to our members/ sponsors for making it possible!


Recap/ Reviews ...
Stonebridge - Nautilus - Hope for Youth - Championship Breakfast

Great people, great venues, excellent connections, great causes ...

As always, a lot of great connections. Thanks! - Arthur Singer

Wonderful connections, wonderful people in a beautiful setting! Thank you for all you do. - Gina Battaglia

Always worth my time to attend! Thank you. - Esther Jimenez DC

What a moving night. Thank you for your continuous support of HFY. You truly embody the ideals held by HFY's founder Elizabeth Bass Golding. - Sandra M. Radna, PC

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com proudly teamed up with our co-hosts and  event sponsors Brenda M. DiDonato Esq., P.C. Michael DiDonato - The Navigator Consulting Group LTD, Michael D'Onofrio - Premier Payroll Solutions, Marlene Earle - Astoria Bank Susan Glenn - Diverse eMarketing & Web DesignRennie Gonzalez - OMG Shower Doors, Mirrors & Glass, Barbara Guida - PMR Gift Solutions and Phyllis & Lloyd Gutin - USA Insulation, Roger Kahn - Champion Office Suites, Francine E. Love, Esq. Love Law Firm, PLLC, LIConnects,  Robert J. Schwinn - De Marco & Nesi LLC  & Megan Weiner - AllBoro Inc. for a top quality week of making things - great things - happen!!! In addition to business it was an honor being honored by Hope for Youth. Founded by Elizabeth Bass Golding in 1969, HFY  does wonderful work with Long Island's Foster Care Children. We look forward to supporting their efforts for many years to come! Thanks to all who supported and came out to make this night a special event!!! As always, THANKS to our sponsors for their support!!! THANKS to the venues - Champion Office Suites The Nautilus Diner STONEBRIDGE COUNTRY CLUB for their hospitality. THANKS to all who came out!!! 


Become a Member!!!

Connect - Promote - Better Your Business


Busy Week
Coming Up

Sponsored By: Goidel Law Group
Advocacy for Long Island Seniors Initiative

Goidel Law Group PLLC is pleased to announce the launch of its innovative Advocacy for Long Island Seniors Initiative and geriatric non-profit organization. The inaugural event, consisting of a three-part program on November 1, 2016, will highlight the urgent need for additional geriatric professionals and facilities to assist and support the aging population in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Please contact Laura Simon - 631.390.5600 www.goidellawgroup.com for more information!

WORKSHOP: Social Media 102. You're Social, Now What?
Find out which social networks are right for you, how to use them and what to say! This workshop will give you a deep dive into the most popular social media networks for business use. Presented by Sue Glenn, Diverse Marketing & Web Design.
Monday, October 24, 5:30pm-7pm
Panera Bread
4959 Nesconset Hwy
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11777

“Business Expo 2016”
October 25, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Proud to work with our friends @ The Melville Chamber. For more information on EXPO Exhibit & Membership Information - please contact Ted Macaluso 631-777-6260. Tell him 516Ads/ 631Ads sent you!


Dr. Michael Berlin ...
Weight Loss Seminar
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:15 PM

The Family Wellness Center
641 - B Old Country Road,Plainview NY

For those of you who are searching for a healthy, all-natural, way to finally lose weight, we have a solution. If you are interested in finally doing the last program that you will ever need to do, then please join  Dr. Michael Berlin -
 The Family Wellness Center for a FREE Weight Loss Seminar.us and find out more.  Please click here for RSVP/ more information. 



FAST TRACK II Networking/ Lynbrook
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 7:15AM
We are a one-per-industry networking group that meets from 7:15 to 8:30 every Wednesday morning in Lynbrook, and we are looking for new members. No corporate dues.  You just pay for your breakfast.  If you are interested in building relationships with quality professionals and business owners, please contact 
email Mary or call 516-946-8750  for more details.


LIASB October Event
Wednesday October 26, 2016 7:30 am - 10:00 am

Adelphi University - 55 Kennedy Drive Hauppauge, NY

Making Money Through Professional Prospecting
Jeff Goldberg will reveal the secret of how to properly use prospecting techniques to fill your pipeline with quality appointments with decision makers. Always quality networking. Please click here for more information!


The Greene Round Table Networking Lunch
Wednesday October 26, 2016 12pm
Bertucci's - 881 Walt Whitman Rd. Melville, NY

The Green Round Table Lunch meets every other Wednesday 12PM @ Bertucci's. No fee, just pay $20 for lunch and start networking!!! RSVP a must!!! For more information contact Kenneth J, Greene - 631-882-7018


The Woodlands at Woodbury
FREE Networking Event
Wednesday October 26, 2016 5:30PM

FREE networking event at The Woodlands at Woodbury. Sample Culinary Delights and Drinks! Should be a great one!!! Please click here for more information.  Hope to see you there!!!


Hair We Share
Oheka Castle, Huntington NY, Wednesday, October 26, 2016 from 7pm-11pm. 
Hair We Share is a Non Profit Organization. The mission is to help maintain the dignity, confidence and self-esteem of those affected by medical hair loss.
A few facts about our venue. 
-The name “OHEKA” is an acronym for the original owners name Otto HErmann KAhn.
- Otto Kahn is said to be the inspiration of Parker Brothers "Mr. Monopoly" 
- the Oheka Castle is the second largest home in America. 
- 126 full-time servants were originally employed by Otto Kahn.
- We are going to party like it is 1920!
Purchase tickets here:
Call Sue at 516-574-3790 for a ticket discount code.


Quick Hits!!!
Sponsored By: KB Bicycle Repair - 516-826-0457


Can You?
Yes We Can!

David, I was wondering if you could post this in your weekly newsletter.   
This may be the hardest, most emotional letter for me to forward. We have now exhausted our resources within medicine and are in desperate need of a living donor. We want to introduce living donation to everyone, and how many lives are saved due to other people donating one of their kidneys. As many know, Gianna has kidney disease, has suffered since she was 5. At the age of 13 Gianna went into end stage renal failure. In 10th grade age 16, she started dialysis. Hooked up to a machine for 9 hours a night, for 2 years, this was kept private for many, many years. At the age of 18 Gianna was given the gift of life, a “Transplant".
Seven years later, Gianna graduated with a Business degree from St. John’s, landed an amazing managerial position in the Garden City Hotel. 25 Years young, Gianna looks forward to a promising life, fulfilling many dreams…………………….
Unfortunately the kidney has failed, and she is in need of another kidney. There are many benefits to living donation; first the procedure can be done as soon as possible.

The surgery for the donor is safe, proven and laparoscopic. Donors are tested up and down to ensure they are fit and healthy enough to donate. ALL medical expenses are covered for travel, time lost at work etc. Gianna is affiliated with Columbia Presbyterian hospital, one of the foremost kidney transplant hospitals in the country. Each year more than 100 living donations are done here, with great success. Gianna’s blood type is O. If you do not know your blood type…we can help you find out. Blood type needs to be determined before we can move forward. It can be done at any Lab, or I can send you a kit to do it at home. If you or someone you know would like to begin this process, the first step is finding out your blood type, and then filling out the medical questionnaire. Once the transplant center receives your questionnaire it is reviewed by a transplant coordinator. The center will then contact you to let you know if you are a potential donor for the patient. You can download the medical questionnaire.
GO TO: columbiakidneytransplant.org or call 212-305-6469
Grateful for your time,


Book your holiday party aboard the fully enclosed, climate controlled Freeport Princess & save 10%!

DECEMBER/JANUARY DATES ONLY. Please click here or call  (516) 378-0555 for more information!


Traffic Tickets!!!

Law Offices of Paul Bryan Schneider, P.C.  631-777-3519



More Fall Happenings...

WPN Nassau Chapter Mastermind Luncheon
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM

@ Sound Wealth Financial Group - 250 Crossways Park Drive West Woodbury, NY

We’ll explore:
- How to keep going despite personal setbacks
- What we can do to effectively deal with negative news
- How to rise above and ‘Be the Change’ we want to see in the world.

Please click here for RSVP/ more information!



Wednesday, Nov 9 at 6:00 PM
Secret Knock by SuccessHub

For Tickets, more information & sponsorship opportunities please click here!!!


Wednesday November 9, 2016 6PM
@ The Brokerage
Tickets - Sponsorship's Available ....

Please contact Dr Mary Carlson at 516-248-8188 for more information.


FREE!! Holistic Chamber of Commerce Networking
Thursday November 17, 2016 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Please click here for RSVP/ more information!


2016 LI Fight for Charity
Monday, November 21, 2016 6PM - 10PM

@ Hilton Long Island -
598 Broadhollow Road Melville, NY

Long Island Fight for Charity is one of the most anticipated events in the region, attracting over 1,000 fans and supporters to its annual Main Event. It is the only program in the United States or the world where local business people step in the boxing ring to raise funds for charity. Please click here for more ticket/ sponsorship information!


Early Bird Tickets...
Annual SCWBEC Holiday Breakfast and Toy Drive
Thursday December 8, 2016

Early Bird tickets are available for the Annual SCWBEC Holiday Breakfast and Toy Drive. The Executive Officers invite all to share the holidays with SCWBEC. In the spirit of giving, please bring an unwrapped toy for our Combat Veterans Toy Drive and personal care items for our women veterans. Purchase $35.00 tickets at www.scwbec.org



CPA/CPA Candidate
As a member of our team you will learn the basics of tax accounting and tax compliance. As proficiency and understanding in the various areas of tax are demonstrated, additional assignments will be given to enable the staff member to grow within the role.  Responsibilities include tax preparation for individuals, partnerships, and corporations as well as tax research. You will work directly with our clients and as a team member with our senior associates.  In addition, performance of ongoing administrative activities along with accounting tasks using QuickBooks will be required. Please email resume. No calls please.
Craig S. Cody, CPA, CTC
240 Plandome Rd. Suite 200
Manhasset, NY 11030


Field Energy Specialist

Position Summary: It all starts here! Field Energy Specialist is the first point of contact to help educate potential customers about the many benefits of solar energy. Through our partnerships with The Home Depot or Best Buy, you will be responsible for identifying potential customers, answering their questions regarding our service and arranging customer consultations in their homes with our Outside Solar Sales Consultants. You will receive extensive training on SolarCity’s advanced sales process and technologies.

For more details click here or contact Will Watts | Regional Sales Manager | SolarCity | t: 516.713.3500



WE ARE HIRING: Someone that can Spackle, someone who can paint and someone who can sheet rock!
Company seeking Carpenters, Helpers and Laborers. Motivated with experience.
Must have paint and Spackle experience as well. FT must have own car and clean valid driver license.

WE ARE HIRING: Someone that can shovel snow, someone who can drive the plow trucks and someone that can snow blow. Thanks!!

Please only serious inquires send to lori@allboroinc.com or call at 516-942-3016.


Worthwhile Quote…
Show me someone who has done something worthwhile,
and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity. - Lou Holtz

Have a great week! Make things happen!!!    :  )

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Long Island's Business/ Community Network

Views: 98


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