516Ads.com - Stonebridge, RE Luncheon, Panera Suffolk, MLK Day, February Dates, LI Matters, Busy Week, Recap, Valentine Resources, Quick Hits, Quote …
Hello everyone!!! LOTS of events, LOTS of info, LOTS of top quality Valentine's (Flowers, Limo, Jewelry) Resources, LOTS of desire/ determination to better your business ... so you can pay for them!!! Looking forward to STONEBRIDGE, RE Luncheon @ JBH, hope to see you @ PANERA/ SUFFOLK, February Happenings, Carlyle on the Green, Ciao' Baby, LI Matters, Recap & LOTS more!!! Thanks to our sponsors for making it possible!!! Let's get to it ...
516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Real Estate Luncheon
Friday January 23, 2015 12PM

@ The Jones Beach Hotel
3275 Byron Street, Wantagh, NY 11793
Sponsored by: IAQ Technologies
Mehran & Gretah, PLLC
Nolan Painting Inc.
@ TRISTATE Restoration
Space is limited. RSVP a must!!! - 516-547-4018
You want it, you got it....
Panera/ Suffolk...
Thursday January 29, 2015 8AM - 10AM
1025 Montauk Highway, West Babylon, NY

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to team up with Ellen Williams - Constant Contact, Christine McDermott Lauria - Butterfly Energy Group & Deirdrea Renwick - GOTT Bookkeeping Services for a top notch morning of smart business activity @ Panera/ West Babylon. Make connections, build relationships, better your business!!! No fee - just pay for breakfast!!! Hope to see you there!!!
516Ads.com &
February 2015 Dates...
2/2 8AM @ Panera/ Bellmore
2/3 6PM @ Carlyle on the Green
2/6 12PM @ Your Mothers House/Garden City Pk.
2/9 6PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa
2/20 12PM @ Jones Beach Hotel
Space is limited for 12PM Luncheons
RSVP a must!!! - 516-547-4018
Hope to see you there!!!
Recap... 1/13/15 - Teaming up @ Maggies!!! New connections, old friends, delicious food .... 516Ads.com & 631Ads.com teamed up with our friends @ MRG Marketing & event sponsors Shomari Brown - First Sun Entertainment, Eugenia E. Karahalias ● LCSW-R, CASAC, CCH - Unleash Your Full Potential Now, Russ Poker, PT - Fit for Life Physical Therapy, & Norman Wasserman - Friend Entertainment USA for a BIG TIME night of networking @ Maggies!!! Thanks to our sponsors for their support!!! Thanks to Maggies for their generosity/ hospitality!!! Thanks to MRG Marketing for teaming up with us!!! Thanks to all who came out !!! 1/16/15 - Business Luncheon @ JBH!!! It was top quality Business Luncheon as 516Ads.com & 631Ads.com proudly teamed up with Debi Pisano - WorkForce Benefits Consultants,Salil Zaveri Insurance & Lawrence J. Scherer, Esq.- SCHERER & ASSOCIATES, PLLC for our first luncheon (many more coming) of the year @ Jones Beach Hotel. Great array of business professionals!!! Great connections!! Thanks to our sponsors for making it possible!!! _______________
Busy Week
Coming Up!!!
Sponsored by: James Cruz
Premier Jewelry & Watch Repair Center, Inc.
646-726-4811 Real Estate Networking (followed by Karaoke)
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 5:30PM
@ Ciao' Baby/ Commack!!!
204 Jericho Turnpike Commack, NY - (631) 543-1400
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310
The Greene Round Table Networking Lunch
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12pm
881 Walt Whitman Rd
Melville, NY
If you’re looking for a quality one per industry group; The Green Round Table Lunch meets every other Wednesday 12PM @ Bertucci's. No fee, just pay $20 for lunch and start networking!!! RSVP a must!!! For more information contact Kenneth J, Greene - 631-882-7018
Melville Chamber
“Welcome to the New Year Celebration”
Wednesday January 21, 2015 5:30PM
Colonial Springs Golf Club
1 Long Island Avenue
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Please visit Melville Chamber for details!!! _________________
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:00 PM
1840 Front Street, East Meadow, NY
$10 includes 90 minutes of bowling & shoe rental. Network, bowl, bring friends & have fun. Cash bar/food available. Please RSVP so you don't waste time.Walk in's are welcome (if lanes are available) but expect wasting time registering… please RSVP to save your time and ours. Please click here for more information!!! ________________
North Shore Networking
Thursday, January 22, 2015 12PM
Schafer's Restaurant
111 West Broadway
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Opportunity is the key to your success and WE would love to help open that door for you. Be prepared to talk about who you are and what your company is about. Bring plenty of business cards, you can expect a afternoon of top quality networking!!! $28 fee. For more information click here!!!
Real Estate/ Biz Networking
Thursday, January 22, 2015 5PM
@ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa!!!
5704 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310
Season 1... (8/14) The goal is to build a marketing tool (internet TV) that brings the LI Business Community value!!! Hopefully better people's businesses, hopefully do good stuff in the community!!!
MLK Day Editoral xoxo
If you reallllllllly want to honor Dr. King this week, please consider spreading, sharing, inspiring, educating the future with an opposite to racism ....

LEARN, spread the word!!! : )))
Quick Hits!!!
Sponsored by: Matt Silver's Ultimate Class Limousine - WORLD WIDE!!! ![Photo: Lovers Special – Enjoy unlimited champagne, dinner for two at a upscale restaurant and five hours of limousine use, a dozen roses, chauffeur attired in a tuxedo. All limousines are equiped with privacy partitions. Five hour limo service Dinner for two at an upscale Restaurant Unlimited champagne A dozen roses <a href=]()
http://www.ultimateclasslimo.com/services.html#lovers" class="scaledImageFitWidth img" src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10437688_900679999956326_519713486972002842_n.jpg?oh=ea73014621dd0762e78669e350f4f7ed&oe=55223F58&__gda__=1430228633_10da601ba0659a4e0cc2a5fbdf1d050d" style="border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none; display: inline;" height="200" width="300" />
Lovers Special – Enjoy unlimited champagne, dinner for two at a upscale restaurant and five hours of limousine use, a dozen roses, chauffeur attired in a tuxedo. All limousines are equipped with privacy partitions.
- Five hour limo service
- Dinner for two at an upscale Restaurant
- Unlimited champagne
- A dozen roses
Please click here for more information!!!
Congrats Debbie!!!!
In addition to being a 4X (probably soon to be 5X Best of LI Winner) Networking/ Entrepreneurial Superstar Debbie Viola was recently featured in her hometown's Massapequa Observer. Debbie epitomizes hard work, talent, dedication and what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneurial business owner. Here's the article ...
Like many artists, Debbie Viola of Massapequa Park didn’t realize her creative potential until later in life. After landing a legal secretary position straight out of high school, Viola worked in Manhattan for the next 20 years before making the decision to turn her dream into a reality. .... click here for full article. Congrats Debbie!!!! _______________________________
& Comedy...
Proudly Presents:
....A Tribute to EARTH, WIND AND FIRE
For More Information/ Tickets Click Here!!! ___________________
Back To Business...
SCWBEC February 12, 2015 Business Meeting
Thursday, February 12, 2015 8AM - 10AM
H. Lee Dennison Building
100 Veterans Hwy, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Media Room - Lower Level Please
click here for full details!!!
Entrepreneurs And Ideas Week
Click Here for details!!! _______________________________
MLK Quote ...
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Have a great week!!! Be pro-active!!! Make things happen!!! : )
516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Long Island's Business/ Community Network
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