516Ads.com - Panera Nassau, Suffolk Luncheon, North Shore Towers, January Dates, Recap, Happy Sunday Morning, IBWC, SCWBEC, 718Ads, Quick Hits, Quote...

516Ads.com - Panera Nassau, Suffolk Luncheon, North Shore Towers, January Dates, Recap, Happy Sunday Morning, IBWC, SCWBEC, 718Ads, Quick Hits, Quote...

Hello everyone! LOTS of events, LOTS of info, LOTS of desire/ determination not to let the winter weather stop us from igniting business!!! Monday Morning @ Panera Nassau, hope to see you @ Suffolk Luncheon, looking forward to North Shore Towers, January Dates, Recap/ Reviews, Happy Sunday Morning, IBWC, SCWBEC, Shoes for All LOTS more! Let's get to it ... 


516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Panera Nassau Business Breakfast
Monday, January 8, 2018 8AM - 10AM
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@ Panera Bread - 2375 Merrick Road, Bellmore NY

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to host Monday Morning @ Panera! Make connections - promote your services - better your business. Get 2018 off to a great start! In addition to igniting business, we'll be introducing & raising awareness for Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy - a nationally renowned organization based right here on Long Island!  No fee - just pay for breakfast! Hope to see you there!!!



516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Suffolk Business Luncheon
Thursday January 11,  2018 12PM

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@ AlaTurca Mediterranean Restaurant & Catering
691 Route 109, West Babylon

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com  is proud to team up with The Babylon Town Chamber of Commerce and event sponsors Matt Caselli - Eagle Group Planning, Michael J DeAmicis ChFC® CASL® - MassMutual Long Island Metro, Jamie Latinsky - Applied Computer Technologies, Bob Parmett - The Parmett GroupJoe Porsella JCP Appraisals, Linda Procaccio - Island Advantage Realty Steven Rose CPA, LLC & Peter Wagner, Esq. - Law Office of Peter J Wagner, PC .... to host our Suffolk Business Luncheon @ Ala Turca! Make connections, build relationships - eat delicious food -  get 2018 off to a great start! Hope to sere you there!!!


718Ads - Kicking Off 2018
FREE Networking Night
Thursday January 11, 2018, 6PM

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@ North Shore Towers & Country Club
27240 Grand Central Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11005

718Ads looks forward to kicking off 2018 ...  teaming up with our friends at the The Gold Coast Rotary, VetsEDU and event sponsors Mike D'Onofrio - Premier Payroll Solutions, Albert Hakim - Kensington Company & AffiliatesJohn H. Kim - Reliance Star Payment Services, Mike Hirson - Mass MutualJay Mancus - La Rosa Realty, New York, LLC, Michael McGowan - Ampere Business Services, Inc, & Cindy Shaw - The Helpful Care Company, Inc.  for a BIG TIME night of networking (FREE) @ North Shore Towers & Country Club!  In addition to igniting business - we'll be raising awareness for our friends at NCAN - Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network. Connect! Promote! Better your business! Get 2018 off to a great start! Hope to see you there!


516Ads/ 631Ads (718Ads)...
January 2018 Dates

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018 12PM - Nautilus Luncheon
Thursday, January 18, 2018  8AM - 718Ads @ North Shore Towers
Thursday, January 25, 2018 8AM @ Panera Suffolk
Thursday, January 25, 2018 6PM  @ Ramada Plaza
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12PM - 718Ads @ TRIO!

Thanks to our sponsors for making it possible!!!


Recap/ Reviews...
Havana Central - Ramada Plaza (Rescheduled

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Packed house, great people, great energy, excellent connections...

Lots of new faces. Nice people!!!! Good way to start the year off! - Jo Haramis

Great meeting yesterday! You are a walking, talking, body of pure energy!
Thanks for the invite! Make it a productive day! - Pat Barrow

Great meeting! Getting good connections already. - Don Belcher

What a great meeting! So many new connections each meeting.
Thank you David for making it happen. - Christine Frye

Starting off 2018 right with powerful networking with 516Ads at Havana Central. - Linda Fostek

516Ads & 631Ads proudly teamed up with event sponsors Anthony DiDonato - Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, Christine Frye - East Coast Capital & John Rothe - Responsible Remodeling  ... kicking off the 2018 Networking Year! Packed house, great people, great energy, excellent connections ....  thanks to our sponsors for their support. Thanks to Havana Central for their hospitality. Thanks to all who came out!!! Great event!



Happy Sunday Morning!
TUNE IN: January 7, 2018 9AM....

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Happy Sunday Morning - January 7, 2018 9AM - TUNE IN on www.wliny.com. We'll be joined by guests Peter Ciccone - NYRX Card & Ron Reed - Reed Resumes as we kick off the first Sunday of 2018!!! - TUNE IN on www.wliny.com.

Thanks to our sponsors ...
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Thanks to our sponsors The Law Offices of Sandra M. Radna, Michael's of Massapequa - Full Service Salon, The Helpful Care Company, Inc. & JCP Appraisals for their support/ making it possible! Thanks to producer Eric Koppleman for putting it together! TUNE IN!

#HappySundayMorning #January2018



Long Island , NY - What Do You Need?

516Ads/ 631Ads
Connect - Promote - Better Your Business - Find Out More!

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516Ads.com/ 631Ads.com

Long Island's #1 Resource
Proud to represent the best!



This Week
Coming Up ...

Sponsored By:  Optic Masters - OFFER EXTENDED through January 2018
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Optic Masters - Eyewear, Optometrists, Eye Doctor - Woodbury, NY  - 516-364-7474

Freeport Networking January Event
Monday, January 8, 2018 6-8 pm

Freeport Library - 144 W Merrick Rd  
Freeport, NY 11520

Intimate group of quality networkers. The January 8th meeting will include an interactive Open Group Panel Discussion on 'Strategic Planning Concepts: Increasing Business Exposure & Expanding Marketing Opportunities.'  Please bring your ideas, concepts, implemented actions and success stories to share with our fellow Freeport Networking Group members.Featured speakers, refreshments, quality info -  for more information please contact Michael Hirson - MassMutual - (516) 686-7081.

Professionals for Patient Safety (PPS)
Join a discussion at the Professionals for Patient Safety (PPS) meeting on Monday evening, January 8th at 6:00 PM at the Imperial Diner 63 W Merrick Rd, Freeport, NY 11520

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Meetings include networking, dinner and a guest speaker or topic. This group, like all Pulse programs, is about advocacy, education and support services. We even hope to find solutions. RSVP is strongly suggested. Please register by sending a message to icorina@pulsecenterforpatientsafety.org Dinner off the menu is $20 to $25. If you choose to not have dinner the suggested donation to attend is $5.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8AM 
Imperial Diner
63 West Merrick Road
Freeport, NY

South Shore Networking shares 'HOT' leads on new businesses, decision makers, contacts - dedicated business men and women eager to create beneficial relationships. (No fee -  pay for your breakfast.) Please call 516.623.5883 - mrgsherri@yahoo.com  for RSVP/ more information.


Tuesday -  January 9, 2018
Lisbon Cafe -  399 Jericho Tpke, Jericho 12:00pm to 2:00pm

A lunch group of established professionals including Attorneys, CPAs, Financial Advisors, Insurance Professionals, Business Owners, Payroll, Bankers, Mortgage Brokers, Title Companies, Real Estate Agents, etc. Our goal is to learn about and refer business to each other. Each lunch will have different people attending.

If you would like to grow your business and think you can benefit and contribute to the group, please contact info@businesspowergroups.com

RSVP A MUST! Your attendance will be confirmed ASAP
Lunch will be $30 includes appetizers, salad, main course, desert, espresso’s & wine.



IBWC Meeting
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 12pm-2pm

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@Atria Plainview. 243 Washington Ave. Plainview, NY 11803.​


Have you had enough of wasted hours not feeling productive? Are you kicking yourself in the butt because sooooo many tasks did not get done in 2017?
At this meeting you will be guided on how to

GET ORGANIZED, DECREASE PROCRASTINATION, and INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY. Do more business, feel energized, feel empowered in your day to day work activities.

Laura Savino aka Dr. DeClutter has over 20 years of Professional Organizing under her belt and will help you change your life with her tips. $20 non IBWC members, $5 members. 

Circle of Influence

Networking Lunch
Wednesday, January 10, 2018 11:30pm

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@ Maggiano's - 600 Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY

The Circle of Influence Networking Lunch meets every Wednesday 11:30PM @ Maggiano's. Top quality group - one per industry -  of assorted business professionals. Certainly an opportunity for business, connections and resources!  $20 for lunch - RSVP a must! For more information please  contact Gyll Sbrocchi - Bethpage Federal Credit Union - 516-901-1486


LIConnects Networking Lunch
Wednesday, January 10, 2017 12:30 PM
@ Hauppauge Palace Diner - 525 Smithtown Bypass Hauppauge, NY

If you're looking for a one per industry business networking group with top quality professionals, please join 
LIConnects - Wednesday January 10, 2018 12:30PM @ Hauppauge Palace Diner to find out more. $15 per personRSVP a Must. Please click here or contact Sheryl Hecht - 631-553-9593 for more information. Hope to see you there!!!



SCWBEC January Business Meeting
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January 11, 2018
H. Lee Dennison Building
100 Veterans Highway, Hauppauge
8:00 am to 10:00 am       Program: Create Your Success Plan: 5 Steps to Achieving Your Goals This Year
10:15 am to 12:00 noon  Workshop: Explore Possibilities and Bring Your Vision to Life
READY! SET! GOALS! Plan for success in the year ahead with five tried and true tools to achieving your goals presented by Level P Coaching's Josefina Aquino. In the interactive Program, Josie will outline a simple framework for creating a clear path to personal and professional success. 
Immediately following the General Program, Josie will conduct a companion Workshop using imagery and visualization techniques to aid participants in creating their own highly personalized vision board. Attendees are asked to bring magazine clippings of pictures, symbols, words and quotes that inspire visions of success and fulfillment.
Participants may attend by RSVP'ing to either the Program, the Workshop or both sessions. There is NO charge to attend but RSVP is requested to ensure seating. RSVP at www.scwbec.org. "LIKE" the SCWBECCommunity facebook page for all Program and Event updates.



Quick Hits!!!

Sponsored By:   2020 Tech Solutions


When it comes to your IT security,
if you need us, we'll be there!

Reach us at 516-876-8761 or by email at info@tech2020solutions.com


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Coming Up Next!

WPN Suffolk Chapter
Essence of Abundance Mini-Class
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 12PM - 2:30PM
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Sandler Sales Institute - 225 Wireless Ave, Suite 104, Hauppauge, NY 11788

Members or 1st time Guest $15
Returning Guest $15

Please join us for a preview of the transformational and experiential seminar called Essence of Being. Experience your personal power and joyfulness on a mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional level. Create more prosperity and experience how much you make a difference in the world! Please click here for registration/ full details!




Tuesday January 16, 2018 5:30PM

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Great event for Long Island business owners looking to expand their circles of influence! Always quality networking, comfortable atmosphere. Hope you can join us. Please contact Kathy Casale - Sea Star Strategy - 631-505-2864 with any questions. Hope to see you there!


LIASB Women In Business
Wednesday January 17, 2018  6:00 - 7:30pm

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The mission of the Women’s Business Committee is to empower, educate and prepare our small business entrepreneurs and student to become economically and socially successful. RSVP a must! Please call 631-481-9124 x 100, Email: cgrahamdha@gmail.com or click here for more information!


Professional Networking Mixer
Wed, January 17, 2018 6PM – 9PM

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@ Simplay - 180 Commerce Drive, Hauppauge, NY

Create new business relationships with entrepreneurs, professionals & new contacts. Networking is a great way to exchange information & experience to help grow your business as well as find new potential clients.

Complimentary Drinks from 6-7pm. There will also be an additional entry for the door prize for everyone who registers in advance. $25/ pre-registration $5 more at the door. REGISTER NOW! 


THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 6 PM – 8 PM

364 Rice Circle Garden City, NY 11530

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Space is limited. Please register if you plan on attending. Call Don Romano at (516) 647-3287 or email don.romano@bankofamerica.com to RSVP.


The Housewives of Secaucus
Saturday January 20, 2018 7PM
Friday, February 9, 2018 7:30PM
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@ The Ramada Plaza - 1730 North Ocean Ave., Holtsville, NY

Walk the catwalk, dance in the aisles .... this live interactive theater event is a spoof of all the juicy shows you love to hate. The show follows five women in Secaucus  .... these fabulous five host a combination talent show/ fashion show fundraiser to help "Free Nookie", which encourages audience participation and a night of fun and laughter! Please click here for more information!


 Uncover Your Riches
Sunday January 21st, 11:30am to 4:30pm;
Registration and networking start at 11:00am

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233 Robbins Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 (at Peykar Showroom)

Meet presenter Tildet Varon, Inner Mastery Specialist and main speaker, and assisted by Insight and Energy Specialist David Alexander: Find out the ancient truths, brought into the modern world, that can change your life for the better. After practicing the principles discussed in Uncover Your Riches:
  • Wake up feeling happy and confident
  • Connect to what makes you feel alive
  • Close the gap between who you are and who you want to be
  • Live your highest potential
Please read more and sign up here: http://www.tildet.com/UncoverYourRiches


Woodstock Revisited Tribute Concert
Saturday Jan 27, 2018 7:30 PM

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If you want to relive WOODSTOCK or have the music experience of a lifetime, join us on Saturday, January 27th at 7:30 pm as we pay tribute to the GREATS of Woodstock:

Jimi Hendrix and the Band of Gypsys starring Kiss the Sky
Crosby Stills & Nash starring CSN Songs
Creedence Clearwater Revival starring Willy and the Poor Boys
Santana starring Taboo
Get Your Tickets $39.50


Guest Bartending Event
Monday, January 29, 2018 6PM

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@ The Grill - 160 Adams Avenue , Hauppauge NY

It's was a great event last time out ... let's do it again! Since 2010, led by Dr. Mary Carlson and her great team - Shoes-for-All has collected and donated over 50,000 pairs of shoes. Their reach continues to grow and grow - their efforts benefiting many. Please join us for a night of fun, food, raffles, networking and supporting the excellent works of SFA. Hope to see you there!


ALL KIDS FAIR  2018 ...
Sunday, April 29, 2018 10AM-4:30PM

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@ Huntington Hilton on Rt. 110 - www.AllKidsFair.com


718Ads.com - What Do You Need?
Thanks To Our Sponsors...
Proud to Represent the Best!

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718Ads.com  would like to thank our sponsors Michael Aharoni - VetsEDU, Peter Ciccone - NYRX Card Donna Furino - Quality Cleanouts, Mell Goldman - All Boro Inc.Corrinne Graham PhD. - Graham International Consulting & Research, Inc., Jo Haramis - Floors Decor & More, John H. Kim - Reliance Star Payment Services, Mark Krieger - Queens Holistic Chamber of Commerce, Stephanie Larkin - Red Penquin Web SolutionsMichelle Leibowitz - Principal Insurance Agency, Ltd., Jacqueline McDermott Blue Ocean Wealth Strategies, Debra Moeller - The Alarm LadyCameron B. Richards - Somatic Massage Therapy, P.C. , Heath Rosenzweig - Venice Murano Designs, Gyll Sbrocchi - Bethpage Federal Credit Union, Stephen Seligson - Molloy Bros. Moving & Storage, Saige Seyfert - Prime Realty, Cynthia E Shaw - The Helpful Care Company, Inc., Heidi Shaw - Hi-Design Concepts, Kathy Wilson & Will Watts - Trinity Solar for their support! Our goal is to provide value: promotion, connections and resources to better business  ... and mix it with helping  charities in the community! Thanks to our sponsors for  making it possible!


Good Quote…
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” ― Taylor Swift

Have a great week!  Make things happen!!! :  )

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Long Island's Business/ Community Network

Views: 76


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