516Ads.com - Panera/ Nassau, Entrepreneur Week, SCWBEC Breakfast, Luncheons, April Dates, Busy Week, LI Matters, BIG TIME Recap, Quick Hits, Quote …

516Ads.com - Panera/ Nassau, Entrepreneur Week, SCWBEC Breakfast, Luncheons, April Dates, Busy Week LI Matters,  BIG TIME Recap, Quick Hits,  Quote … 

Hello everyone!!! Happy Sunday morning!!! LOTS of events, LOTS of info, LOTS of great people doing LOTS of great things,  LOTS of  thanks to our sponsors for making it possible!!! Looking forward to Panera/ Nassau,  hope to see you @ Entrepreneur Center SCWBEC Breakfast, Biz/ RE Luncheons, Busy Week, CBC, LI Matters, April Highlights, ECAD Fundraiser,  BIG TIME Recap & LOTS more!!! If you're looking to ignite/ better your business; let's get to  it ...

Let's Make it a Great One!!!
Panera/ Nassau...
Monday April 6, 2015  8AM - 10AM
2375 Merrick Rd
Bellmore, NY 11710

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to be teaming up with  event sponsor Bill Haile - Air Quality Solutions for a top notch morning of smart business activity@ Panera/ Nassau!!!   Make connections, build relationships, better your business!!! No fee - just pay for breakfast!!!  Hope to see you there!!!


Hope To See You There!!!
Entrepreneurs And Ideas Week
@ The Entrepreneur Center / Melville

Entrepreneurs & Ideas Week

This event is for dynamic entrepreneurs who want to experience cutting edge entrepreneurial thinking and training on creating financial freedom.
516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to be a sponsor. Use the code: 516 to get a $5 discount ...  $15 bucks with discount ... it will be worth every dollar and more if you have never trained with The Entrepreneur Center team. For more please click here!!!


Looking Forward To ...
SCWBEC April Breakfast
Thursday April 9, 2015 8AM

H. Lee Dennison Bldg.
100 Veterans' Memorial Highway,
Hauppauge, NY

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is a proud Breakfast sponsor. Looking forward to teaming up with our friends @ SCWBEC!!! It should big an excellent morning of networking & quality information. Please click here for details/ RSVP. Hope to see you there!!!


516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Accountant, Attorney, Real Estate Luncheon
Friday April 10, 2015 12PM

@ Your Mothers House/Garden City Pk.
2349 Jericho Turnpike, Garden City Park, NY 11040

Sponsored by: Ray Thomas -  1st Equity Title Services
& Jason Escabor - Jason Home Inspections

Space is limited.  RSVP a must!!! - 516-547-4018


The Ultimate Testimonial
... and an excellent description of 516Ads/ 631Ads!!! 

In 2008, during the nationwide recession, my father, David Gussin, created 516/631 Ads, a community network built to help promote and support small businesses across Long Island, NY. A man who has worked various jobs from being a bagel store sweeper, to dry cleaner, to head-hunter, to mortgage banker, my father always worked with passion and a desire to help others. His work ethic and steadfast determination are qualities that I seek to embody in all that I set out to do.

His vision for 516/631 Ads (the area codes of Long Island's two counties, Nassau and Suffolk), was to create a tool that Long Island's small businesses could use to promote their services and companies, while networking with other small business owners and Long Island organizations. He began by hosting small networking events at local restaurants, where small business owners could come and exchange their business cards, learn about Long Island events, and ultimately network with one another. Simple exchanges, like “If you need someone to paint your house, call Tony,” can be really helpful to help small business get on and stay on their feet. People attending the 516/631 Ads events were giving referrals, promoting their business, and ultimately helping one another get though the hard times of the recession. Then, at home or at the office, the networkers could visit the 516/631 Ads website, where people post ads, classifieds, news, discounts, and any other information about their business. These small events, and 516Ads.com and 631Ads.com, grew into something greater than anyone could have expected.

Today, hundreds of small businesses and entrepreneurs belong to this 516/631 Ads community, which helps raise thousands of dollars each year for local charities, and provide a large support system for emerging and existing small businesses. Small businesses can subscribe for yearly membership to the 516/631 Ads advertising, marketing, and networking services, while the networking events remain free to attend in order to encourage attendance of new and potential members. Many attribute the current success of their small business to being part of this community network. Really built from the ground up, I am proud of my father for creating an environment where businesspeople work and collaborate with one another, not in competition, but really look out for the best of their local small business neighbors. Each time I attend one of these networking events, I am overwhelmed by the praise and accolades people give to my dad. From simply things like "You're lucky to have David as your dad" to "Your dad helped transform my business," I am always amazed at how enthusiastic people are about the power of networking between small business owners.

I am a currently a senior studying biology, and as of now have no plans to become a small business owner. However, I have learned several valuable lessons from my dad’s endeavors in the Long Island small business community network. First and foremost is the value of hard work and perseverance. Nobody could have predicted what 516/631 Ads would grow into, but my dad always followed his vision and put in the long hours necessary to create both an online and face-to-face community that has really had a profound effect on Long Island. Second, I have learned the value of collaboration and networking. Whether it’s a butcher collaborating with a limousine rental owner, or two scientists discussing current research, we all have lessons to learn from one another, and communication is essential for inciting creativity, innovation, and progress no matter what the field. As a future scientist, I hope to use my experience in networking to better communicate and spread ideas both with other scientists, and with members of different communities. Watching my dad build his business from an idea to a large, tangible network of individuals, I have seen firsthand what one can achieve when they are passionate about making a difference and really making things happen.


Igniting Business Recap ...

Panera/ Suffolk .... last Thursday of each month!!!

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com proudly teamed up with  event sponsors The Law Offices of Fred Kramer Bill Haile - Air Quality Solutions  & Norman Wasserman - Friend Entertainment USA  for a top notch morning of smart business activity  @ Panera/ West Babylon. New faces, old friends, LOTS of quality connections!!!

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com teamed up with sponsors Bobby Bass - Inbrook Capital, Ben Indiviglia - American Debt Advisors & Anthony W Russo, Esq. - Burns, Russo, Tamigi & Reardon, LLP for an excellent Real Estate/ Business Luncheon @ The Jones Beach Hotel. LOTS of smart seeds planted. Excellent Luncheon!!!

Thanks to our sponsors for their support!!! Thanks to Panera & The Jones Beach Hotel  for their generosity/ hospitality!!! Thanks to all who came out!!!


516Ads.com &

More April 2015 Dates...

4/13 6PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa
4/21 6PM - Teaming  w/ BOOM

4/27 6PM - Teaming w/ Greene Roundtable

4/30 8AM @ Panera/ Suffolk

Hope to see you there!!!


Busy Week
Coming Up!!!
Sponsored by: Dr. Thomas Recher
Mid Island Audiology, PLLC - 516-334-7000

MEET THE FRANCHISOR - Tuesday the 31st @ Carlyle at the Palace

Hosted by The Kensington Company, 7 Franchise Companies from across the country have identified Long Island to expand & develop. Top quality event for anyone considering business or franchise ownership. 2 sessions, lunch and dinner - trade show - all are FREE to attend. For more information/ tickets please click here!!! 


Real Estate Networking (followed by Karaoke)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:30PM
@ Ciao' Baby/ Commack!!!

204 Jericho Turnpike Commack, NY - (631) 543-1400
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310


The Greene Round Table Networking Lunch
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 12pm

881 Walt Whitman Rd
Melville, NY

If you’re looking for a quality one per industry group; The Green Round Table Lunch meets every other Wednesday 12PM @ Bertucci's. No fee, just pay $20 for lunch and start networking!!! RSVP a must!!! For more information contact Kenneth J, Greene - 631-882-7018
CBC’s April Networking Event
Wednesday April 1, 2015 6PM
Spices Negril Restaurant & Lounge
1084 Grand Ave, South Hempstead, NY 11550
CBC members:
First time visitors: Free
Prepaid: $10 At the door: $15
Get your tickets today at
 CBC’s April Event For more information call 516-387-5201, email us at info@caribbeanbizconnections.com or visit CBC's website



Wednesday, April 1, 2015 6:00 PM

AMF East Meadow Lanes

1840 Front Street, East Meadow, NY

$10 includes 90 minutes of bowling & shoe rental. Network, bowl, bring friends & have fun. Cash bar/food available. Please RSVP so you don't waste time.Walk in's are welcome (if lanes are available) but expect wasting time registering… please RSVP to save your time and ours. Please click here for more information!!!


North Shore Networking
Thursday, April 2, 2015 12PM

FRESH Restaurant
203 Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Tpk
Bridgehampton, NY 11932

Opportunity is the key to your success and WE would love to help open that door for you. Hosted by Teresa's Family Cleaning & Tai Vicari, be prepared to talk about who you are and what your company is about. Bring plenty of business cards; you can expect a afternoon of quality networking!!! $28 fee. For more information/ RSVP, please contact Tai - 631-839-6705.


Real Estate/ Biz Networking
Thursday, April 2, 2015 5PM
@ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa!!!

5704 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310

Cyber Security for Small Business
Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 6PM - 7:30PM

The thought of a cyber attack can strike fear into the heart of any business owner. This free event will present an overview of what the risks are, who is at risk and how those risks can be managed.  Refreshments will be served. Please click here for RSVP/ more information.




Quick Hits!!!
Sponsored by: Peter J. Ciccone
NYRX Card - 516-512-9842

LI Matters...

LI Matters with David Gussin - March 2015 Snippet.
Networker of the Month -
Mr. John Hill.

Thanks to our sponsors Butterfly Energy Group, 2000 Computer Solutions, The Alarm LadyConstant Contact, Gerry Dolan's - Farmers Insurance - Northport, NY, OMG Shower Doors & The Law Offices of Alan H. Krystal for their support!!! Thanks to Producer David Feldman - LongIslandNY.tv for putting it together!!! Tune In!!!


MORE April


Johnny Sax and Lenore Paprocky
Tuesday, April 14th 5:30 P.M.
Holiday Inn Express Stony Brook
Cash Bar - Cheese and Crackers - Door Prizes - Entertainment
Click here for details!!!


April 15, 2015 7:30AM @ The Brooklyn Bridge



The St. Joseph Hospital Gala
Saturday, April 18th  (7pm – Midnight).
The Crest Hollow Country Club

This year’s “Red Carpet” gala promises to be a festive and fun evening - - exciting casino games, a rocking DJ,  enticing raffles and this year …. a photo booth!  Something for everyone!
All proceeds from this event will be used for the installation of our new cardiac CT scanner!
Any questions, please click here.


SCWBEC Business Expo/ 
25th Anniversary Celebration

Tuesday April 21, 2015

Long Island's best kept secret is out. The Suffolk County Women's Business Enterprise Coalition Business EXPO offers you a chance to WIN a Half-Page Ad or Business Card Size Ad for your business. ACT NOW! Deadline is March 31.


Melville Chamber
"Business After Hours”

Wednesday April 22, 2015 5:30PM

Astoria Bank
532 Broad Hollow Road
Melville, NY 11747

Please visit Melville Chamber for details!!!


ALL Kids Fair 2015

Click Here for details!!! 


Sunday April 26, 2015. 12pm to 3pm.

Allegria Hotel, 80 East Broadway, Long Beach

One Day Without Shoes is the day we take off our shoes to raise global awareness for children’s health and education. Please join our friends at SHOES-FOR-ALL for a fun day, a fun WALK, all for a great cause!!! Please click here for details!!!


Mark your calendar for the
Launch Party for
Life & Debt!

Wednesday April 29, 7PM @ The Book Revue, Huntington - REGISTER NOW!!!


Please help fellow networker's Donna Malley Burke Fundraiser
ECAD, Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities - May 2nd, 7:30pm

Give code "doggy" when ordering tickets.
Please Click Here for more information!!!!


LunchBreak 4th Annual Blood Drive
Thursday, June 11, 2015 11:00am

Please Click Here for more information!!!


Become a 2015 Fight for Charity Boxer
For more information or an application please call
Bill Corbett - (877) 240-7821 or e-mail


Sales Training Quote ...
Don't tell them you're better; tell them you're different.
(Props to Adrian Miller for this one)

Have a great week!!! Make things happen!!!  :  )

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Long Island's Business/ Community Network

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David Gussin posted a blog post
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Karaoke Networking @ Eleanor's Lounge at Eleanor's Lounge

March 20, 2025 from 6pm to 10pm
Mar 12
David Gussin posted an event

Nassau Business Luncheon @ The Heritage/ Bethpage State Park at The Heritage/ Bethpage State Park

March 18, 2025 from 12pm to 2pm
Mar 11
David Gussin posted blog posts
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David Gussin posted a blog post
Mar 8
David Gussin posted an event

Business Development Breakfast @ North Shore Towers at North Shore Towers

March 14, 2025 from 8:30am to 10am
Mar 8
David Gussin shared their blog post on Facebook
Mar 8
David Gussin posted an event

Business Development Luncheon @ The Stonebridge Country Club at The Stonebridge Country Club

March 13, 2025 from 12pm to 2pm
Mar 6
Peter L. Rand is attending David Gussin's event

Monday Night Networking: FREE Networking Night Monday @ THE TAP ROOM/ Garden City at The TAP ROOM/ Garden City

March 10, 2025 from 6pm to 10pm
Mar 5
David Gussin posted blog posts
Mar 3
David Gussin posted blog posts
Mar 2
David Gussin shared their blog post on Facebook
Mar 1
David Gussin posted an event

Monday Night Networking: FREE Networking Night Monday @ THE TAP ROOM/ Garden City at The TAP ROOM/ Garden City

March 10, 2025 from 6pm to 10pm
Feb 24

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