516Ads.com - Business Breakfast, Constant Contact, January Dates, Holiday Recap, LI Matters, See the Tree, Help Wanted, Quick Hits, Quality Quote …
Hello everyone!!! Happy Sunday morning!!! LOTS of events, LOTS of info, LOTS of thanks/ appreciation, LOTS of LI business professionals working hard/ looking forward to making it a prosperous 2015!!!! Hope to see you @ Business Breakfast, teaming up with Constant Contact, January Dates, LI Matters, Holiday Recap, Hanukkah Catering, See the Tree & LOTS more!!! Thanks to our sponsors for making it possible!!! Let's get to it ... Hope To See
You There!!! Thursday December 18, 2014 8AM 516Ads.com & 631Ads.com Better Your Business Breakfast/ Toy-Supply Drive 'Catered by The Sexy Salad' @ The Business Corners/ Hauppauge Hope to see you there!!!516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to team up with event sponsors Kevin Stoner/ Ellen Williams - Constant Contact, Sheryl Hecht - Douglas Elliman, Tiffany O'Reilly - Total Restoration Inc. & Charles Razenson - Unique Impressions for a BIG TIME morning of smart business activity @ The Business Corners!!! In addition to Igniting Business we'll be raising awareness/ collecting toys - supplies for The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network). Great people!!! Great cause!!! Make connections, build relationships, better your business ... hope to see you there!!!
3rd Annual New Year
Business Luncheon Tuesday December 30, 2014 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
How did 2014 work out for your business and how does
that compare with many other Long Island businesses? Our panel of "connected" local business people will discuss what they've seen and learned as they communicated, networked, and conducted business on Long Island in 2014. Our interactive content workshop will follow the panel so you will learn how to leverage email and social media marketing, and you'll leave with a 3-month content strategy to kick-start 2015! The Entrepreneur Center LLC
1800 Walt Whitman Road Suite 155
Melville, NY 11747
FREE - Register Now!!!!!
This Week's
Happenings... Sponsored by: James Cruz - Premier Jewelry &
Watch Repair Center, Inc. - 646-726-4811 SOUTH SHORE NETWORKING
Tuesday December 16, 2014 8AM
Imperial Diner
63 West Merrick Road
Freeport, NY
SOUTH SHORE NETWORKING shares 'HOT' leads on new businesses, decision makers, contacts - dedicated business men and women eager to create beneficial relationships. ($15 for Breakfast) Please contact Sherri 516.623.5883 - mrgsherri@yahoo.com for RSVP/ more information.
____________________ Real Estate Networking (followed by Karaoke) Tuesday, December 16, 2014 5:30PM @ Ciao' Baby/ Commack!!! 204 Jericho Turnpike Commack, NY - (631) 543-1400
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310
LIConnects Networking Lunch
Wednesday December 17, 2014 12PM
Hauppauge Palace Diner
RSVP a must!!! Contact Tiffany O’Reilly – 631-504-9202
Real Estate/ Biz Networking
Thursday, December 18, 2014 5PM
@ Ciao' Baby/ Massapequa!!!
5704 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY
Sponsored by: Liberty National Title - 516-203-7310
______ LI Matters... TUNE IN!!!
Proud to be joined by
Albert Hakim of Kensington Co.
Thanks to our sponsors Butterfly Energy Consultants, Genesis Creations Contracting, 2000 Computer Solutions, The Alarm Lady, The Bug Stops Here, Farmers Insurance, Floors Decors & The Fusion Way for their support/ making it possible!!! Thanks to Producer David Feldman for putting it together!!! TUNE IN!!!!
Quick Hits!!!
Hey DJ won't you play that song....
Simply the BEST!!!
Michael Sacco
Best Cellular
Franklin Square - Williston Park - Long Island, NY 516-507-2616
Latkes Here!!!!
Zornsonline.com _____________________
See the Tree in NYC
New Year's Happening!!!! 
Help Wanted!!! Administrative Services TriNet NYC office is looking for immediate administrative support for a 6 week project. Need to have advanced Excel knowledge, and have critical attention to detail. Interviewing immediately. If you are interested please apply to thru job link.
http://bit.ly/1IKcvGk ____________________
SPACE for RENT!!! Seeking massage therapist or aesthetician to rent room 1-3x/week in at Westbury Healthy Living Center. Rent is negotiable starting at $300/mo for 1x/week. Please contact
Sharon McDermott, L.Ac. at 516-410-4297 or
healthyhealingli.com ____________
Experienced Quote ... “The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while the error of age is to believe that experience is a substitute for intelligence.” -
Lyman Bryson ____________
Have a great week!!! Make things happen!!! : )
516Ads.com & 631Ads.com
Long Island's Business/ Community Network
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